
Songwit S avatar image
Songwit S asked tannerp commented

How to build a logical transport model.

Version: FlexSim 17.1.6

I want to build a model so that the car will go out to get the raw materials that companies plan on each week. How can I create this model?

For example

Week 1: Truck 1 moves from factory to company A (load) ----> Company B (load)----> Return to factory (unload)

Week 2: Truck 1 moves from factory to Company A (load)---> Return to factory (unload)

Truck 2 moves from factory to company B (load)----> Company C (load)----> Return to factory.(unload)

I am a beginner for this program.

Thanks for the help.

FlexSim 17.1.6
transportation modelmilk run mdel
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Joerg Vogel avatar image Joerg Vogel commented ·

There are two strategies. You can build this logic in Process Flow, You let the trucks travel, load and unload as you have described this above. You begin with a small model. A truck, one company and your factory are the first objects at the beginning. If one cycle works, you try to repeat the cycle in an interval of one week. Then you add the second company into the model. If this works in cycles you add the second truck into your model. It isn't difficult to drag and drop objects in a 3D model window. It is difficult to get a model to work as you aspect it. Start always with very simple models.

The second strategy depends on the classic 3D approach. It isn't a truck that is responsible for the transport. The event that tells FlexSim that there are items ready for transport controls the truck. You build a 3D model without any truck at all. You place objects into your model, which release or create items at the times when a truck should later begins its travel to load the item. Currently the items are sent instantly to their destination (factory). That is OK. If the distribution seems to work, you place a truck into the model and connect the truck with the objects that are sending items by a centerport connection and activate in these objects the Use Transport option. FlexSim will internally create task sequences which tell the truck to transport the items from the sending object to the destination.

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Songwit S avatar image Songwit S Joerg Vogel commented ·

Modeling in process flow. The problem is. The truck runs as scheduled, but it loads one piece at a time.test-transportation.fsm

Thanks for the help.

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Sam Stubbs avatar image Sam Stubbs ♦ Songwit S commented ·

You're process flow is set up such that it is only requesting the resources based on 1 token at a time, which is representative of your 1 item that triggers the source. If you want the truck to load multiple items, you might want to consider using a push/pull from list type system.

Here's an example of what you might want it to look like:


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1 Answer

Raja Sekaran avatar image
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Raja Sekaran answered

@Songwit S

I have attached the model. In that, I have defined the destination and load quantity to each arrival as the pic below.


Based on the Dest and QtyToLoad label, Transporter will travel to their destination and load the qty. Hope this is helpful.



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