
jacks avatar image
jacks asked Felix Möhlmann commented

how to setup a fixed time interval for the airplane transportation

2222.fsmi would like to stimulate the airplane carrying cargo in real life, so the airplane should be fly in a fixed time schedule, but the airplane in my program is transporting according to the cargo's loading or entering. Thus, i want to know how to set the plane leave in a regular time interval.

FlexSim 21.2.4
transportation model
2222.fsm (662.9 KiB)
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1 Answer

Felix Möhlmann avatar image
Felix Möhlmann answered Felix Möhlmann commented

The attached model shows an example of how this could be done. Two tokens (one for each plane) loop in a Process Flow. A delay activity stops them until the next trip is due (every 1800s currently). The planes then load as many items as they can up to their capacity and move them to the sinks.

References are solely done through port connections. Note that the queues are set to not release items in their Send to Port field.


2222-fm.fsm (169.2 KiB)
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