
Tam P avatar image
Tam P asked Tam P commented

How do i animate my operators?

kodiak-pollock-current-00271218-1.fsmI want to animate my operators at the conveyors to the "use tablet" visual animation. I click on the operator, go the general tab, on the Visuals/Animations section under appearance I click Edit. Once the Operator tab opens, I go the Animations and Components tab below, then I select and animation to add to the components. I do this under the Triggers. After this I do not know what to do or if what i did is correct.

FlexSim 18.1.1
operator animation
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Matthew Gillespie avatar image
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Matthew Gillespie answered Tam P commented

I updated your model to use an instanced Process Flow that all the conveyor operators are attached to. This process flow, at the start of the model, starts the Use Tablet animation on all the operators and tells the animation to repeat indefinitely. You can attach more operators to this flow or remove any that I attached. An instanced process flow like this would allow you to control more of what each individual operator does throughout the model run. For example, you could have the operator start and stop various animations depending on what they're working on at the moment.

You could also achieve similar results by putting the code Jacob gave you in the On Reset trigger of all the operators you want to animate.

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Jacob Gillespie avatar image
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Jacob Gillespie answered Tam P commented

The code would be something like this:

  1. current.animations["Walk"].start();
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