
Pinakin K avatar image
Pinakin K asked Pinakin K commented

How to update the warm up time?


In my model, I want to update the warmup time when the output of the last queue equals 'x' number.

I did that by using the following,

updated a global variable on Exit from the queue, and put a If clause saying if the the value equals 36 the warmup time would be changed to whatever the current time is.

I used the following code.

model().find("Tools/GlobalVariables/Parts").value = model().find("Tools/GlobalVariables/Parts").value + 1;
if(model().find("Tools/GlobalVariables/Parts").value == 36)
	model().find("Tools/savedwarmuptime").value = time();

But, it only updates the value in the tree, so all the stats that are recorded, do not follow this warmup time. They follow the warmup time specified in the drop down menu. Is there a way to update the alue in the dropdown menu as well, or any other way to reference all the statistic collectors to the the warmup time?

Thank You!

FlexSim 18.2.0
warm up time
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1 Answer

Joshua S avatar image
Joshua S answered Pinakin K commented

Use the command resetstats() when the Queue reaches 36

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Pinakin K avatar image Pinakin K commented ·

It works.

But I also have to use the Warm up time. So before I set the time value of the warm up time, I made sure that the warm up time was selected in the Run Time drop Down menu. I had to initially setup to a non zero value ex. 0.01 sec.

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