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Pinakin K asked Sam Stubbs commented

Excel imports every time I reset the model

I have an excel import setup in my model. I have checked the option of importing excel on reset. But it should only occur when the excel workbook is changed or edited. in my case, i did not change it or update it. Still every time i reset the model, the excel is imported.

Note: the excel is not updated automatically, not any data is written to it.

The excel sheet location is in the same folder of the model itself.

please advice? Is there something missing?

FlexSim 18.1.2
excel importimporting data from excel file to sourceexcel importing
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1 Answer

Pinakin K avatar image
Pinakin K answered Sam Stubbs commented

I resolved the issue by copying the file to my local computer instead of on the cloud.

So when my excel file was on cloud, it used to get synced often. This caused the file to import every time I press reset.

However, when I have to put my model and the files on the cloud this issue would rise again.

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