
Zuleyma D avatar image
Zuleyma D asked tannerp commented

Push from a list stop processor

Hello everebody,

I need

to stop my processor when 5 items had been processed, I used "process flow for a fixed resource".

I'm trying with "Push to a list" and I see that the labels were created but the processor never stoped.

Could you please help me with this topic?

You can see my model here:

Thanks a lot for your help and suggestions guys.

process flowprocessorpush and pull list
910.png (6.3 KiB)
listaejemplo.fsm (30.5 KiB)
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1 Answer

Mason W avatar image
Mason W answered Victor Alejandro HT commented

Hi Zuleyma,

The model attached is a potential solution to what you're looking for. It basically loops a single token around based off an "Index" label. Once that Index label hits 5 due to 5 items being processed it will cut off the processor.


Hopefully this helps.

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