
Omar Aguilera Rico avatar image
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Omar Aguilera Rico asked Omar Aguilera Rico commented

Saves elapsed time in delay

Hi all.

I have a question for you, is there any default option in FlexSim, when using the "Release Token" that extracts the "token" that are inside the "Delay", is saved the time that elapsed?

For example, I have a "Delay" with time of 20 seconds, some activity triggers the "Release Token", but the "token" that was in the "Delay", only 12 seconds passed. My question is to know if there is any way to save the time that elapsed within the "token" or the time it took inside the "token" to complete the 20 seconds, is this possible?

I thought about doing the following example model but using a "User Event", for when the "Release Token" extracts the token from the "Delay" by means of an "Assign Labels", assign the time that was needed.

Is there any other way to represent this?


FlexSim 18.2.2
savesave time
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1 Answer

Sebastian Hemmann avatar image
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Sebastian Hemmann answered Omar Aguilera Rico commented

Hey, doesn´t "Save Token Context" do what you are looking for? You have to store the data before you are Releasing the token and as soon as you are pushing it back with "Restore Token Context" , it starts from where ever it was released from.

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Omar Aguilera Rico avatar image Omar Aguilera Rico commented ·

@sebastian.hemmann I thought of "Save Token Context" only that I need a "Restore Token Context" but what I would be doing is returning it to its location from where it was extracted. If you notice in the model that you attach, what I'm looking for is to extract the "token" at the moment that "Operadora1" has a "Schedule Down" so that the other operator goes to the process ("Processor1") and concludes the pending activity I stop doing the "Operator1". What I'm looking for is that the "token" that I extracted from the "Processor 1" stream only saves the processed time information. Can you think of an idea, apart from the one that implements the simplest?

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Sebastian Hemmann avatar image Sebastian Hemmann Omar Aguilera Rico commented ·

Sorry, I had a look into your model but because it was not in english it was quite hard for me to understand!

So what I would do to hold it simple: Add an "assign label" before process starts and set the time of process start and planed processtime in a label. As soon the token is released (because the operator is going down) I would throw the token at first into another "assign label" that calculates the missing Processtime.

This would be quiet easy now, because you already have all needed information in labels!?

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Omar Aguilera Rico avatar image Omar Aguilera Rico commented ·

Perfect, it's a very good idea what you tell me. There are fewer events that would have to be evaluated. In my case, assign a label of the time of the process, and be decrese by the User Event every second, when the Release Token is detonated, I assign the token a new label of the remaining time. You can tell that they are more events, and it is not the most viable. Very good idea @sebastian.hemmann!

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