
Victor Alejandro HT avatar image
Victor Alejandro HT asked K_yun edited

Bad Task Executer/Task sequence error PF


In my model I need that after the machine (Magnaflux) collects 6 pieces the batch stays for a process time and after that the operator 6 and the crane 4 unload the pieces one by one. I made a PF ,everything runs ok until the load step (Carga uña). See the picture below.

I attached the model. Thanks in advance for your support.


FlexSim 18.2.0
process flowtask sequence
load-error.png (195.8 KiB)
grua-puente.fsm (570.9 KiB)
5 |100000

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1 Answer

Sebastian Hemmann avatar image
Sebastian Hemmann answered K_yun edited


I found out that the reference in your activitys was wrong. At first I changed the Labels in your Aquire activitys:

Than I´ve set your reference in the Task Sequence Activitys:

But what I´ve also see, later in your PF you are Releasing the Ressources.


Here you will have to change the values also. I did do it in the attached model, but was a little confused because called the Release "Crane 3" and not 4.15444-grua-puente-sh.fsm

changes1.jpg (82.1 KiB)
changes2.jpg (93.8 KiB)
question3.jpg (16.6 KiB)
· 4
5 |100000

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Victor Alejandro HT avatar image Victor Alejandro HT commented ·

Hello @sebastian.hemmann thanks for your corrections and sorry you are right I made a mistake the Release "Crane is 4". It worked but I need that the crane and operator unload the 6 items one by one and with your adjustments unload all at once. I tried modifying the pull requested number and even with a Subflow with no sucess. Do you know how can I do that?


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Sebastian Hemmann avatar image Sebastian Hemmann Victor Alejandro HT commented ·

No problem at all, I just was wondering how you want to Release all resources.

Attached a Modell where I did a small change.

1. No Create Tokens activity is needed but an "Assign Labels" that creates a label (Counter) and set it to 5.

2. On the end of your Process I made a decision, if the counters Value == 0. If so, process is finished. If not, the token does have to go to an "Assign Labels" where the value is reduced by 1 and than it goes around the process again. (So you have a loop) ;-)


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Victor Alejandro HT avatar image Victor Alejandro HT Sebastian Hemmann commented ·

Vielen Dank @sebastian.hemmann Ich habe Gestern mindenstens 6 Studen lang mit diesem Logic gearbeitet. Alles hat endlich gut geklappt. I have nur ein Travel step fuer den Operator nach dem Delay "Tiempo de Descarga" hinzugefuegt und fertig.


I wanted to practice a little bit my german, I hope I don´t bother you. I attached the final model if someone need it.


Gruesse Alejandro

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K_yun avatar image K_yun commented ·

@sebastian.hemmann,Hi hemmann, i've come with the same situation, but i checked again and again to make sure the right TE reference setting.But the error still shew up, so i upload my model here for your help.

I used "Create TS" activity to create a task sequence, i wondered why the error shows up the moment that token get in "Load" activity, shouldn't it be the moment that token get in "Create TS" activity ?

Look forward to your reply.

Best Regards!


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