
Victor Alejandro HT avatar image
Victor Alejandro HT asked Victor Alejandro HT commented

Wait for event special condition

Hi all,

In my model, an operator process a batch of 6 parts. Once the 6 parts have been processed, the operator unloads them one by one into a queue. What I need, is that once he has finished with one batch, he must continue with this pattern (process another batch of 6 parts) until he finishes processing 30 pieces. I made a PF logic and everything seems to work properly, but I cannot find the proper condition for the Wait for event step to avoid that the tokens pull from list before time.

What would be the best condition to accomplish this?

I attached the model, thanks for your help.


FlexSim 18.2.0
process flowwait for event
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1 Answer

Raja Sekaran avatar image
Raja Sekaran answered Victor Alejandro HT commented

@Victor Alejandro HT

You can accomplish this condition by listening to the OnContent change event in the "Carga Carrusel" subflow activity. I have attached the model with changes. Hope this helps to proceed further.



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