
Linda N avatar image
Linda N asked Linda N commented

Problem Tutorial Task 1.4 | Unexpected customer movements

I'm trying to rebuilt the tutorial model but i'm stuck at step 1.4. Somehow, the first customer to arrive in my system does not remains in the waiting line though settings of the queue Waiting Line are as according to the manual (the move activity is set to move a customer to the waiting line). When it should move the customer into the waiting line, it suddenly jumps to an empty place in the model.

I would like to understand why this is happening and how I can fix it. Thank you in advance.


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1 Answer

Sam Stubbs avatar image
Sam Stubbs answered Linda N commented

It's very easy to miss but there's a checkbox option that you need to check in the activity where you move the Customer to the "model()" level. There's a checkbox that says "Preserve Global Location" that you should check.

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