
ai L avatar image
ai L asked Matthew Gillespie edited


I have two cranes assigned in a Resource Group, and In the Dispatch Strategy,I wrote some code,and press RUN button,but after a while,exceptions is caught,such as :

time: 239503.769003 exception: Exception Caught in ObjectFunction251__project_library_FlexSimObject_behaviour_eventfunctions_OnTimerEvent object: /GantryCrane1 i: /GantryCrane1>variables/sequences/InstructionSequence class: /GantryCrane1

FlexSim 17.1.6
Other (please specify)
exceptionflextermflexsim ct
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1 Answer

Ben Wilson avatar image
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Ben Wilson answered ai L commented

Linking this question to another question regarding where to go for FlexSim CT/FlexTerm support, in case others come here searching for answers.

In short, for FlexSim CT/FlexTerm questions, please contact Moffat & Nichol support directly.

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ai L avatar image ai L commented ·

Hi,Think you Ben,now I think I have found the reason:this bug only happens when the Run Speed is set very high,I think when Run Speed is very high,FlexTerm applys more resource over the os permitted,so it is currupt, in other case,The FlexTerm is forced be exit.

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ai L avatar image ai L commented ·

append:when model run speed is set very highly,the FlexTerm program 's cpu utilization rate will rise quickly,when the utilization rate is over 40-50%,The FlexTerm will throw the exception or be forced exit

will rise quickly,when the

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