
Raul E avatar image
Raul E asked Matthew Gillespie edited

Task sequence separate can by itemtype


I´m working on a model with 3 itemtypes, an operator with task sequence.

I cant find the solution to separate the products, the program looks like this:

Source / Queue / Proces (1,2,3) / Queue (1,2,3)

On the Queue there are 3 itemtypes, that need to be separate by itemtype to match the process that can be pocess1, process2 or process 3. Each process match the number of the itemtype.

Thank you

FlexSim 16.0.9
send to portitem type
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1 Answer

Steven Hamoen avatar image
1 Like"
Steven Hamoen answered
@Raul E

Please make the tutorials in the help file. Lesson 1 actually discusses this already. It uses the send to port option on the flow tab of the queue

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