
vincenzodm avatar image
vincenzodm asked Joshua S answered

Problem with the uniform distribution to be included in the model

Hello everyone! I'm almost at the end of my model, I tried some alternatives to the creation of the pallet. Instead of having deterministic values in the generation of pallets I tried to insert a uniform distribution so that the defective pieces are equally likely and vary from a minimum of 1 to a maximum of 3. This is both in Arrival 1 and Arrival 2. Unfortunately after launching the RUN this does not work. I enclose the photos of the changes I've tried to make, and the model in the hope that someone will tell me what's wrong. Thank you!

Flexsim version 16.0.1

FlexSim (other)
FlexSim (other - please specify)
statistical distribution
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Jeff Nordgren avatar image Jeff Nordgren commented ·

I'm thinking that the problem is that you are using uniform() and not duniform(). These are essentially the same except that uniform() return a real number (with decimals) and duniform() return an integer. And pallets an only be generated in integer numbers (whole numbers). You can't create 3.27 pallets, for example. Try using duniform() instead of uniform() and see if that fixes your problem(s).


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1 Answer

Joshua S avatar image
Joshua S answered Joshua S commented

See if this works for you. I removed the label "Defective" it was creating at start in the schedule, then added a OnCreation trigger to and used a duniform(1,24) which by the end of the model would send 2 pallets to the defective Queue. 16145-modello-warehouse-bis.fsm

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