
David VC avatar image
David VC asked David VC commented

copy globaltable to proces flow: schedule source using flexscript


I want to do the same thing as the below but now for a schedule source in process flow. I was thinking about importing my excel sheet as a globaltable and then copy this to my schedule source. Can this be done or is there a better way? I don't want to copy paste manually as the purpose is to use my model in the experimenter and thus it should only rely on the given globalvariables and the copying should also be done in the code.

excelopen("FileName.xlsx");//ie "C:/Users/user/Documents/Book1.xlsx"
excelsetsheet("Sheet"+numtostring(Sheet));//Global Variable named Sheet

best regards


FlexSim 18.2.2
excel importcopy globaltableprocess flow schedule source
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1 Answer

Joshua S avatar image
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Joshua S answered David VC commented

Here's a way you can integrate your changing scenarios with your scheduled source. This creates a token for every row in your table, then assigns all the labels that would be found in your table to the token, and even sets a delay for the time you would normally set for arrival time. process-flow-scheduled-source.fsm

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David VC avatar image David VC commented ·

Thanks a lot!

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