
Sebastien avatar image
Sebastien asked Jordan Johnson answered

select all column of a data source with flexscript ?


following my question on updating a calculated table:

I try to update my dashboards that are based on the same updated calculated table. It actually updates thanks to Roi's answer. Unfortunately the added columns are not automatically included in the dashboard's table. I tried looking for all the possible funtions we could call with function_s() on the dashboard node but could not find anything.

In my example I would like to include all column without knowing their name (here product B and C) to the dashboard with flexscript.

Hence my questions: is it possible to include all or specific columns of a data source of a dashboard table with flexscript ? And where could I find all the function of an object that I could call with function_s() ?

Best regards,

FlexSim 19.0.0
updatedasboarddata source
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1 Answer

Jordan Johnson avatar image
Jordan Johnson answered

The dashboard charts are not designed to plot data where the columns change. If you don't change the query, then the columns will be the same on every update. It sounds like you are changing the query of the Calculated Table, causing a change in the number of columns. When that happens, none of the charts attempt to guess how they should use new columns.

I would also discourage against trying to hack it using function_s or manually making changes in the tree. Those kinds of things tend to break if you ever upgrade your model, or even update to a bug fix release in the same version.

The answer for you is to make a table that has a consistent number of columns. All charts will properly handle a changing number of rows, so additional data can be added as an additional row.

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