
GyeungRyul L avatar image
GyeungRyul L asked GyeungRyul L commented

Calculated Table Update Interval


I trying to draw my custom racks data to dashboard time plot using Calculated Table joins.

My problem is 'Calculated Table joins' update interval 'Always' is not working but only 'Manual' is working. i wanna use this 'Calculated Table joins' Table to calculate another data like throughput or some data, but i can't do that in this situations.

I try to use this code, but everytime it update calculated table's display format is reset

  1. Object table1 = model().find("Tools/CalculatedTables/CalculatedTable1");
  2. function_s(table1, "update",1);

how do i solve this problem.


FlexSim 20.0.0
calculated tableupdatedashboard chartcalculated table update
update-interval.fsm (56.9 KiB)
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1 Answer

Jordan Johnson avatar image
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Jordan Johnson answered GyeungRyul L commented

This looks like a bug in the query. I'll put it on the dev list.

However, you can get the table you wanted without using a calculated table. In fact, the model will run much faster if you don't use a Calculated Table to get this kind of data. I made a Statistics Collector that increments a Content column every time an object enters one of the Import group objects, and decrements every time something exits. Then I made a second collector that reports that first value every hour.


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