
jenner avatar image
jenner asked Joshua S converted comment to answer

how to set rack sizetable by code ?


FlexSim 18.2.2
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Joerg Vogel avatar image
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Joerg Vogel answered

@jenner J, it isn't so difficult adapt the code!

  1. function_s(node("/?Rack", library()), "BasicRefreshTable",model().find("Rack1") , 4, 6, 2, 3);
  2. repaintall();

copy this to the script console. Maybe you have to exchange the name of the rack in find-method. and adjust the values of number of bays and levels, cell height and width.

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Joerg Vogel avatar image
Joerg Vogel answered

You are trying to implement the Apply Basic Settings button as a script. @Clair A describes at "How to automatically create variables for OptQuest ?" the steps to get the code from the view tree of the experimenter window. You can adapt the steps for the properties window SizeTable to get the source code. You find there a parameter described as

  1. node("@>objectfocus+",c)

This is the reference to the rack itself. You have to try yourself if it's necessary to execute the nodefunction update under the Advanced branch of the tree. If it is necessary you have to execute the nodefunction probably in the library tree, because the properties windows isn't open and active.

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