
Tristan D avatar image
Tristan D asked Clair A edited

How to automatically create variables for OptQuest ?

I am currently trying to automatically create variables (located in the Tree at "Tools/Experimenter/ExperimentVariables") using Flexscript code before launching OptQuest. For the moment, I manage to create treenodes in the good place but :

-I am not able to write in those treenodes as it can automatically know where the associated variables are. I want it to be written in the treenode named "Variable".

-I am not able to change de variable type : Permutation, Discrete,.....

  1. Table current = param(1); //Table node
  4. int sizerow2 = Table("BDD_Reconst").numRows ;
  6. /**Ecriture des variables*/
  8. for (int i = 1; i <= sizerow2; i++) {
  9. string istr = numtostring(i);
  10. Model.find("Tools/Experimenter/ExperimentVariables").subnodes.add();
  11. Model.find("Tools/Experimenter/ExperimentVariables") = "Variable "+istr;
  13. /**Création des dossiers dans la variable*/
  15. treenode vari = Model.find("Tools/Experimenter/ExperimentVariables").last;
  16. vari.subnodes.add();
  17. = "Variable";
  18. vari.subnodes.add();
  19. = "Scénario 1";
  20. }
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1 Answer

Clair A avatar image
Clair A answered Clair A edited

OptQuest variables are created in the first tab Scenarios of the Experimenter, when you click on this "+" button:

What is the code behind the scene of this button ?

One trick is to right-click in a blanck space of the tab and go to View > Explore structure:

This allows you to browse the tree view of the graphical user interface of this tab. Inside the Scenarios node, there is a node called AddVariable, which is the "+" button. Inside its attributes, you will find a node called OnPress. The code of this node is executed when you press the "+" button. At line 6 you will notice that it calls a function called addNewExpVar:

Which is defined in the node up OnPress. The source code is available:

So you can copy/paste and adapt this code in your own logic to automatically create experimenter variables.

You can use the same trick to find how to change the type of a variable in the optimizer design.

When you click on the cell of a variable type, there is a pop-up menu to choose the variable type:

Where is the code behind the scene ?

Right-click in the table area, go to View > Explore Structure:

And you will find a node called menupopup with the code executed behind each option of this menu:

You can then copy/paste and adapt this code in your own logic to automatically change the variable type.

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