
Alex Q avatar image
Alex Q asked Braydn T converted comment to answer

Decrement tracked variable not working in trigger

capture1234.png after.jpg

I am trying to create WIP planned hours (planned meaning the average process time used in a triangle distribution) as a tracked variable by incrementing by the searched average value in a table every time material comes through, but it seems on exit for the decrement, the tracked variable wants to go back to an increment? This is what happens when i click into it....if there is a better/different way to do this let me know

FlexSim 18.2.3
tracked variables
capture1234.png (41.8 KiB)
after.jpg (50.9 KiB)
5 |100000

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1 Answer

tannerp avatar image
tannerp answered

Hi @Alex Q,

It's hard for us to know what's happening based solely on pictures. If you could upload your model to this question, that would be very helpful for us. If your model contains proprietary information, you can upload it to a private question and only a few of us at FlexSim U.S. will be able to see it.

5 |100000

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