
Felipe P2 avatar image
Felipe P2 asked Felipe P2 commented

How to unload to queue and then to processor?


I have this model and I added a queue for unloading the flowitems before entering the processor "Chipera" (before this change they were going straight from the task executer to Chipera). I made a few changes on the process flow setup to make this, but I can´t get the flowitems being unloaded to the queue.

Can someone help me on this?



FlexSim 19.1.0
queueprocessoragv network
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1 Answer

Benjamin W2 avatar image
Benjamin W2 answered Felipe P2 commented

Hi @Felipe P2,

If you are moving all of the items into a queue, you will not need to run a sub-flow. Simply use a Move Object activity instead that will move all of the boxes assigned to token.boxes into the Queue.


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Felipe P2 avatar image Felipe P2 commented ·

Hi Benjamin, thank you very much for your time.

I tried to work with the model you attached, but for a reason i don´t know, the queue is accepting more than 100 flowitems (which is weird because i limited the maximum content on the queue to 100). I set this because I would like the task executer to unload flowitems on Chipera is the queue is empty (Chipera is available) or keep traveling and unload flowitems on Logyard if Chipera is busy. Would you help me on fixing this?



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Benjamin W2 avatar image Benjamin W2 Felipe P2 commented ·

Hey @Felipe P2,

Process flow will overide any of the 3D settings. I adjusted the process flow so the model would exhibit similar behavior. I did this using 2 things:

  1. A Run Sub Flow that only generates as many tokens as there is room in Queue1.
  2. A Decide that will tell the AGV to travel to the Logyard if it still has items left in it.


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Felipe P2 avatar image Felipe P2 Benjamin W2 commented ·

Hi Benjamin, I see what you changed in the model. Maybe i forgot to comment a few things. The task executer should unload all its flowitems in the same destination (or Chipera or Logyard). As of now, i see that in some cases the task executers unloads part of the items on queue 1 and goes back to the source with part of the flowitems not being unloaded.

I will explain the original problem a bit better so maybe you can help me out a little bit:

The model is simulating a process for unloading wooden logs from a barge (Barcaza) using a crane (Grúa) and delivering the logs in two possible places (Chipera and Logayrd). Each box simbolizes a ton of wooden logs. The task executer is simbolizing a trailer (there are 3 trailers in the operation), and my interest in putting the queue before Chipera is because the system actually works this way: wooden logs are unloaded from the barge into a plattform, the trailer (task executer) hooks to the plattform and carry the plattform to the destination, for the flowitems to be unloaded, but the trailer can leave the plattform alone on destination for unloading tasks. Processors simbolize the cranes for unloading items on destination. Plattforms are unlimited in the operation so it has no relevance to represent them with elements in the model.

So in the model i attached early today i tried to put a queue before Chipera, and made a few changes to achieve that, but the model was not working. I guess that two conditions should be set: the queue capacity should be 100 and the task executer should still visualize if Chipera is available or not. If it is available it should unload all the items in the queue for the processor to process them, and if not, it should go to Logyard. I think another queue should be put before Logyard, but with no limited capacity, given that the unloading process at Logyard can always be done (regardless it is processing flowitems or not).

I would appreciate if you could help me adjust the model so it can work like I described above.

Thank you very much for your time and effort.

Kind reagrds,


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