
Felipe P2 avatar image
Felipe P2 asked Felipe P2 commented

How to unload to queue and then to processor?


I have this model and I added a queue for unloading the flowitems before entering the processor "Chipera" (before this change they were going straight from the task executer to Chipera). I made a few changes on the process flow setup to make this, but I can´t get the flowitems being unloaded to the queue.

Can someone help me on this?



FlexSim 19.1.0
queueprocessoragv network
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1 Answer

Benjamin W2 avatar image
Benjamin W2 answered Felipe P2 commented

Hi @Felipe P2,

If you are moving all of the items into a queue, you will not need to run a sub-flow. Simply use a Move Object activity instead that will move all of the boxes assigned to token.boxes into the Queue.


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