
Matthieu M avatar image
Matthieu M asked Joseph Gillespie commented

Module with C++ code not installable on a brand new computer


I created a module which contains two C++ classes and on my machine everything works fine.
I'm now trying to install the module on a brand new computer with just FlexSim installed and I think there's something missing because FlexSim just can't start.
I solved this by installing everything VS needed to compile the project.

Next week, I'll need to do the same in a virtual machine that doesn't have VS installed and doesn't have Internet either.
So, I'll need to push every external dependency needed by the SDK module before.

Do you have a list of what is required ?
I know that Windows SDK is required, but I can't say what else is required, as I know that the dll includes some dependencies.

FlexSim 19.1.1
module sdkc++
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1 Answer

Phil BoBo avatar image
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Phil BoBo answered Phil BoBo edited

A module shouldn't need anything more than what FlexSim itself installs unless you've changed your project settings in the Module SDK. If you've changed your project settings to require additional dependencies, then it is up to you to include those dependencies with your module.

FlexSim's installer includes all the dependencies required to run modules built with the Module SDK's default configuration.

The only issue I am aware of with regards to module DLLs not loading is if you are missing Windows Security Update KB2533623, as described in Error on using modules. If you are missing that update, then none of FlexSim's module DLLs are able to load. If you can load the default FlexSim modules (AGV, Conveyor, ProcessFlow, etc.) but not your custom module, then the issue is in a modification made to the Module SDK project, not an issue with the Module SDK in general.

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