
Carlos Alberto RQO avatar image
Carlos Alberto RQO asked Carlos Alberto RQO commented

I want to all my items in the queue pass to a processors with process flow


I have a little problem with my simulation i want pass all items in my queue denominate Un-confing Books to 5 processors with process flow. But only one items round pass inside the processors. I did many changes to do that but doesn't work please. Can you help me with the problem? I attached the simulation file.prueba.fsm

Thank you.

FlexSim 19.1.1
process flowsimulation
prueba.fsm (43.0 KiB)
5 |100000

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1 Answer

Joseph Gillespie avatar image
Joseph Gillespie answered Carlos Alberto RQO commented
@Carlos Alberto RQO

You'll notice that when your model stops, the Process Flow looks like this:

The reason why no more items are being sent to the processors is because the tokens can't get past the "Destination of Books" pull from list activity (in the red box in the picture). What is going on is your list called "Book Room" starts with 5 entries:

The first 5 items pull one of these processors off of the list to locate which destination they need to travel to. The problem here is that you are not putting the processors back on the list, so none of the items after the first 5 can pull a destination off of the list. You can fix this by pushing the destinations back onto the list so that later items can use them.

Here I've updated your model to do that and it works now: pruebaanswer.fsm

capture.png (12.4 KiB)
capture2.png (9.3 KiB)
pruebaanswer.fsm (43.2 KiB)
· 5
5 |100000

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