
Fred Kan avatar image
Fred Kan asked Fred Kan commented

How to Resize Object Bounding Box

I'd like to ask if anyone knows how I can resize an object bounding box shown above in yellow.

This is a simple example where the default queue bounding box is shown to be smaller than the 3D object. My preference is to have the entire 3D object exist inside the bounding box.

The problem is later compounded when I import custom 3D objects for model representation.

If anyone knows how I can resize the bounding box I'd appreciate it!

Thank you

FlexSim 18.2.3
bounding boxresize
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1 Answer

Matthew Gillespie avatar image
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Matthew Gillespie answered Fred Kan commented

You should adjust the Shape Factors.

See this previous question for more info: How to change the position of the yellow frame.

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Fred Kan avatar image Fred Kan commented ·

Thank you for your response

In response to your suggestion, shape factor appears to stretch or modify the 3D object itself but doesn't effect the bounding box. I've used both shape factor and size to play around with the dimensions until it 'looks right' but I'd like to find a better solution by modifying the bounding box itself especially if the unit of measurement from the FlexSim model and the imported 3d file are off. That usually leads to really tiny bounding boxes that are awkward to select in the FlexSim model.

Would there be a node on the object tree that controls the bounding box size?

The spatial branch doesn't appear to have any bounding box parameters to modify.


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Matthew Gillespie avatar image Matthew Gillespie ♦♦ Fred Kan commented ·

The yellow box is tied directly to the object's spatial values. So if you say the object is 2m tall, the yellow box will be exactly 2m tall. Thus the the way to directly modify the size of the yellow box is to change the size of the object.

However, doing this also changes the size of the shape relative to the yellow box. So you need to use the Shape Factors to adjust how the shape is scaled relative to the yellow box.

It's kind of backwards from what you're asking for, but this is the correct way to do what you're trying to do in FlexSim. We don't currently have a way to adjust the yellow box while keeping the shape constant.

In your example of the queue you'd want to decrease the offset x size and offset y size of the queue's shape until it fits inside the yellow box, then increase the size of the queue slighltly.

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Fred Kan avatar image Fred Kan Matthew Gillespie ♦♦ commented ·

I see, yes the approach is backwards from the way I was trying to achieve it, but that should work too.

Thank you.

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