
Marian Cretu avatar image
Marian Cretu asked Joerg Vogel answered

Decision stop by item.destination

Hello all,

I have a conveyor with a few decision points.

On this conveyor items will travel. Each item will have a label (item.destination). This label will be a pointer to a decision point on the conveyor.

I want that each DP to stop items that have the same destination with the DP name.

I tried to put this in the OnArrival trigger / Stop Item - Condition : but it doesn't seem to work.

Please advise.


FlexSim 19.1.1
decision points
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zacharyh avatar image zacharyh ♦ commented ·

If you could attach your current model we might be able to better help you.

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zacharyh avatar image zacharyh ♦ commented ·

You could also go through the tutorial about conveyors. It has multiple examples of sorting items using decision points.

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1 Answer

Joerg Vogel avatar image
Joerg Vogel answered

Because you didn’t attach a model or the source code, that sets the label destination at the item, I assume that destination contains a pointer data type. The comparison with the name won’t succeed because a string isn’t a pointer. You can try to compare item.destination with current

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