
Ahadr A avatar image
Ahadr A asked Ahadr A commented

receive a fixed number of item for each queue




I need some help with my project.

my project should organize the items for a specific gate(queue), based on the image shown the system has 8 gate each gate should receive a fixed amount of items organized by item color each gate receive specific color.

gates will receive items from left to right as in the following cases:

1- gate 7 will receive 7 items the 8 one will continue through the big conveyor - marked with red-.

2- gate 5 will receive 5 items the 6 one will continue through the big conveyor.

3- gate 3 will receive 3 items the 4 one will continue through the big conveyor.

4- gate 2 will receive 2 items the 3 one will continue through the big conveyor.

5- gate 4 will receive 4 items the 5 one will continue through the big conveyor.

6- gate 6 will receive 6 items the 6 one will continue through the big conveyor.

7- the last two gates will receive only 1 item.

I am looking forward to some help.

many thanks.

FlexSim 19.2.0
conveyorqueuedecision pointsscript
issue.png (1010.3 KiB)
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1 Answer

gilbert jerald avatar image
1 Like"
gilbert jerald answered Ahadr A commented

@Ahadr A


I have altered your model based on your requirement, have a look at it.



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