
David VC avatar image
David VC asked tannerp answered

state operators as performance measure


I want to get the average fractional value of the state "blocked" of all my operators as a performance measure in my experimenter.
How can I do this? Because for now I only know how to insert a pie chart with the procentual values of the states on my dashboard instead I want the numerical values without pie chart..

Best regards


experimenterstatesperformance measures
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1 Answer

tannerp avatar image
tannerp answered

Here's an example of how you can see the numerical values of the "blocked" state of a Processor. This can be found by opening your Statistics Collector (added automatically with Dashboard Pie Charts), found in your Toolbox.

You can see on the Data Recording tab that it's recording all the different states of the Processor. In order to access this data, look under the "General" tab in the Statistics Collector and click "View Table..." to see the values. There's various ways you can graphically represent this data. You can export these tables, as well. Some of this is shown below in the image I've attached.

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