
April Zwerneman avatar image
April Zwerneman asked April Zwerneman commented

Using the experimenter with Process Flow

I am trying to run the experimenter with a simple process flow model. The scenario variable is a global table value affecting how fast tokens are created. The performance measure is a global table value, counting how many tokens completed the model flow within the time limit. Everything works in a single run, but when I try to put this in the experimenter I get 0 completed tokens for every replication of every scenario. Do you know what I'm doing wrong?sample-experimenter-model.fsm

process flowexperimenterperformance measuresexperimenter variable
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1 Answer

Jordan Johnson avatar image
Jordan Johnson answered April Zwerneman commented

Here is an updated model that should work:


I noticed that the text of the Global Table cell was purple, indicating that the cell in that table was a pointer, or reference, to the TrackedVariable you were setting. The Global Table is smart enough to realize "I'm referencing a TrackedVariable, so I'll show the TrackedVariable value". The experimenter is not as smart. It only knows how to handle numbers, not references. If you pass a reference as a Performance Measure value, the experimenter just assumes a zero value.

To see the reference, you can right-click the cell and select Explore, then select As Tree. You will see a node referencing another node, rather than having number data directly.

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