
elizabeth.l avatar image
elizabeth.l asked elizabeth.l commented

Problem getting zone partition staytime stats in the experimenter

I want to get zone partition staytime stats in the experimenter.

The attached model shows my problem. A token is created with a “type” between 1-3. It enters a zone, which has its partition defined by label “type”. It then enters a delay and finally exits the zone. I want to know how long the tokens spend inside the

I’ve created a chart using the Zone Subset Content from the Library. Then I select the zone, change the stat to Partition Staytime and add the 3 partitions under the Runtime tab.

When I run the model without the experimenter, it usually works, but there are times where the chart is blank. Restarting the model seems to fix the issue.

When I run the model in the experimenter with a performance measure pointing to the chart, the chart values are always 0.

Why is my chart sometimes blank when I run without the experimenter? Why are the experimenter plots always blank?

FlexSim 17.1.6
experimenterperformance measureszone partition
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1 Answer

Joshua S avatar image
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Joshua S answered elizabeth.l commented

That is a bug, and there have been updates to it in later versions. The workaround if you are looking at the average stay time per partition for each run is found in the model below. the changes made are shown in the picture. I removed the zone performance measures and added 3 standard performance measures with code to collect the statistic. The statistic currently being collected is the average staytime, is that the statistic you wanted?12656-zone-partition-staytime.fsm

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