
Amila Kaushalya avatar image
Amila Kaushalya asked tannerp answered

Need Simulate distribution process


I'm need support to built my simulation model. I have attached my model but i don't have enough knowledge to do this. Here is my process.

We have 2 production lines. Normally we use 1 production line for packing but sometimes we have to use 2nd production line as well. Our business is an ornamental fish distribution center.

There are 2 racks belongs to each production line. We called them "Betta" racks and "FW" racks. All together there are 4 racks for both production lines. An operator assigns for each rack to pick items from rack and pack in to boxes.

Before start packing process ( the process I'm trying to simulate ) we fill racks with fish bags. There are 8 different fish bag types for Betta and 6 fish bag types for FW. Each type store in unique bay in the rack. In one bay we can store 100 bags at a time.

At source, managed to send different colors of boxes to different lines. ( Actually this was done by @Jeff Nordgren

Those boxes will be filled at FW & Betta racks, each box has different items as per the order. As an example first box needs to fill 3 items ( 2 bags from item A, 4 bags from item B, 1 bag from Item C) from Betta rack and 4 items from FW rack.

At the end boxes will be filled with ice / heat pack, measure weight, and then seal.

Any help to build this would be highly appreciated. I have attached my process flow and incomplete model.



FlexSim 19.2.0
process flowsimulation
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1 Answer

tannerp avatar image
tannerp answered

Hi @Amila Kaushalya

Your model does not contain any logic yet... If you're looking for someone to build this model for you, I'm afraid that this post falls outside the scope of the Answers site. You can reference the Answers Best Practices page for more information. Our consulting team would be happy to reach out to you if that is something you're interested in! Otherwise, you're welcome to ask specific questions about building the model that pertain to focused areas. Unfortunately, not many people have the time to build entire models for free. Feel free to comment back if you have a more specific question or if you'd like a consulting contact.

The tutorials also have great example models that will teach you what you need to build and modify your model. Thanks!

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