
weihua B avatar image
weihua B asked Braydn T commented

Changing the position of DP from one conveyor to another in code.

How to change the position of the Decision Point from one conveyor to another conveyor in code? It would be better to have a flexsim model as an example. Thanks for any help.

FlexSim 19.0.0
conveyorcodedecision pointsposition
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1 Answer

Matt Long avatar image
Matt Long answered Braydn T commented

I'm not sure in what kind of real world scenario you would have decision points be moving along a conveyor. In FlexSim, when you hit reset, a table is created for the entire conveyor system to include all of the conveyors, where they're connected, their decision point, station and photo eye positions etc. Changing a decision points position would not update this data until the model is reset. I would recommend finding another way to accomplish this. Perhaps by creating a series of decision points that each have a check as to whether they should let the flowitem pass through or whether they should perform some other logic when the flowitem arrives.

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