
Othmane L avatar image
Othmane L asked Matthew Gillespie answered

Flexscript on flowItems

I just want to know if we could write specific codes directly on flowItems to take actions (Exemple : go to precessor1 as long as the processor2 is broke)

FlexSim 19.0.2
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1 Answer

Matthew Gillespie avatar image
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Matthew Gillespie answered

No, not that’s not really how models work. Flow items don’t control the model logic. The logic is controlled mostly by Fixed Resource objects (processors, queues, etc) or Process Flow.

Fixed Resources decide where to send items when they’re done with one or they can be set up to pull items from upstream object. They also have triggers where you can put code and make decisions when for example an item enters or exits.

Process Flows can either directly control logic in the model or they can be set up to listen to certain model events and then execute some logic.

So you don’t really put logic on flow items, but you do often put labels on the flow items that Fixed Resources and Process Flows read off the items and then use that data in making decisions. For example, it’s very common to put a ”Type” label on flow items and then route the items based on their Type.

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