
Paul M3 avatar image
Paul M3 asked Joerg Vogel answered

On entry trigger if-condition write to global table

Hello everybody,

I would like to make an if-condition with a trigger at flexsim but I have no idea about coding. Could you please help me?

I have a label named "Number" on every item. I would like to have a code that works like the following logic:

On entry if the value of the label of the item = 150 write "2" to global table, if not, do nothing.

Thanks in advance!

FlexSim 18.1.2
codetriggerevent triggerif
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1 Answer

Joerg Vogel avatar image
Joerg Vogel answered
  1. if(item.Number == 150)
  2. Table("yourGlobalTableName").cell(num of row, num of column).value = 2;


  1. if(item.Number == 150)
  2. Table("yourGlobalTableName")[num of row][num of column] = 2;
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