
Qiana C avatar image
Qiana C asked Matthew Gillespie commented

Breaking Models


I have found that in the flow diagram models, if i have a working flow diagram, and then accidentally move a block to attach to another block by mistake, and then immediately change it back to the way it was, the model will not run as before.

See attached. I have been following the tutorial

I originally moved the 'transport tasks' block to attach under the 'create tokens' block by mistake. I then immediately moved it back to its original state, and now the model no longer works after 'resetting' the model. I think it is strange that making a slight mistake will break the model entirely.

I find this very important, because I am looking into whether or not Flexsim would be the best software to use for a particular project where I would not be the main user, and that being 'difficult to break' the model accidentally is one of the most important requirements.



FlexSim 19.2.4
process flowbug
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1 Answer

Matthew Gillespie avatar image
Matthew Gillespie answered Matthew Gillespie commented

When you combine the Transport Tasks block of activities with the create tokens block it changes the destination of the Create Tokens activity from the Assign Labels activity to the Pull From List activity. It does this because a token is always created at the start of a block of activities. However, when you split the block back apart the destination is still set to use the Pull From List activity.

So you're just missing one more step - you need to change the Create Token's destination field back to pointing at the Create Tokens activity. After I did this the model runs correctly. Also if I combine the two blocks together and then immediately undo the change with Ctrl-z everything is put back exactly the way it was before.

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