
Akhil raja rao K avatar image
Akhil raja rao K asked Jordan Johnson answered

why GUI docking and splitter exceptions will occur?

FlexSim 20.0.0
process flowexceptionsdocking ordersplitterpane exceptions
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Ralf Gruber avatar image
Ralf Gruber answered

Hello Akhil,

these unfortunately still happen every now and then. They are purely linked to the docked windows and have no impact on simulation runs and results. If you cannot get rid of them, in general "View/Open Default Workspace" helps to get rid of those. Unfortunately you will lose all your view settings doing that.

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Jordan Johnson avatar image
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Jordan Johnson answered

These errors indicate a bug. If you can tell us how to get the error to happen, then we can fix the bug. For example, you might post a model, and give us instructions on how to get the error. Something like "open this model and undock view [x]" or "open this model and dock view [x] with view [y]". If you can post something like that, we can fix the issue.

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