
tomonori S avatar image
tomonori S asked tomonori S commented

About trigger percentage

In the model of attachment "test_20202010.fsm", 750 flow items are set in source 1 on schedule.
Furthermore, the ratio for each flow item is set by the trigger. When you run a simulation, variations occur for each type.
Since 8 types are set at 12.5%, it should be around 93 to 94, but is there any other setting required?


FlexSim 19.0.5
test-20202010.fsm (62.1 KiB)
5 |100000

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1 Answer

David Seo avatar image
David Seo answered tomonori S commented

@tomonori S

Though you set the percentage to 12.5%, the quantity of each type can't be same to 93~94.

If you want to set the quantity of each flow exactly same to 93 or 94, you can use 'round robbin' option menu in Send to Port of the Queue9.

I attached the model.


· 3
5 |100000

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