
Kavitha Sivakumar avatar image
Kavitha Sivakumar asked tannerp commented

AGV unload and OnResourceAvailable Trigger logic

PFA my model. I'm trying to accomplish the following, I'm not sure what I'm missing.

1. I want AGV1 to execute the load-unload task while the AGV2 waits for the next load task, and remains in its park point until called. (currently, the agv2 follows agv1 empty, with no task whatsoever)

2. I want both AGVs to unload all 3 pallets at the first drop off location if available, if not unload at the second drop off location available.(currently, the agvs drop off 2/3 pallets in first location and 1/3 pallets in the second location)

3. How do I make the AGVs travel at a different speed while moving through a corner, can they decelerate and accelerate appropriately?


FlexSim 18.0.10
agvagv process flowload and unloadload unload palletsagv logic
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1 Answer

tannerp avatar image
tannerp answered tannerp commented

Hi @Kavitha S2,

1. I don't have a straightforward solution to your first question other than designing your own process flow in which the AGVs don't travel around looking for work. You might also be able to achieve this by altering the existing flow. Just to verify I'm understanding correctly - you want AGVs without work to travel to a parking spot and wait for work there?

2. This could also be achieved by creating your own process flow. A Decide activity can check whether a drop off location is available and then determine where the AGV should unload.

3. This functionality can be achieved using the settings shown in the image below. You can set the speed of an AGV on straight, curved, and spur paths.

Also, just a friendly reminder: Please limit your posts to one question so the threads can be easily followed and help other FlexSim users. There's more on this here.

agv-curved-slow.png (32.0 KiB)
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