
Adam C avatar image
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Adam C asked Adam C commented

Return Operator / Task Executer to List without Puller

This is a simplified version of the problem in a concept model. Assembly workers move a product, process it, and move it to an inspection queue. It then takes an assembly worker and an inspector to move the product to inspection.

Once the inspection is complete, the token is stuck at pushing the inspector back to the list until the inspector is called for again. This prevents the inspection station from being pushing back to its list until the inspector is pulled again (it cannot be used again until the inspector is used first). This causes issues when the model is scaled up and stations can be used for a variety of processes. Is there a way to return items to lists before they need to be pulled in order to prevent this locked-up condition?

FlexSim 20.0.2
operatorlistlist push
5 |100000

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Matthew Gillespie avatar image
Matthew Gillespie answered Adam C commented

To quote the documentation of the Push to List activity:

By default, this activity does not finish until the entry is pulled from the list. This means that a token will remain at a Push to List activity until the Push Value has been pulled off the list...

You can use the Max Wait Timer to cause the token to push a value to a list and then move on to additional activities.

As the documentation hints at, if you want the token to push something on the list and then immediately move on you should check the Use Max Wait Timer checkbox and also the Keep on List on Early Release checkbox. By default, the Max Wait Timer is set to have a Max Wait Time of 0 and to release the token from the activity.

Here's an example model: pushtolistexample.fsm

keeponlist.png (12.8 KiB)
· 1
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Joshua S avatar image
Joshua S answered

My guess is your process looks like the picture below

if so try this logic below

Where the Create Token activity creates an independent token and copies the inspector label to the created token.

pic1.png (5.5 KiB)
pic2.png (8.5 KiB)
5 |100000

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