
Emanuela M avatar image
Emanuela M asked Emanuela M answered

Location Shift Availability and Dashboard

I have a question. I am modeling a Cardiology Department, in which there is a Cath Lab (Angiogram Area in the model) which is available from Mon-Fri from 8AM to 17 PM, but it can be opened for Urgent Patients, hence for some of the PCI I modeled. I selected the Stop Arrival type for stop object flow of the Cath Lab and I added any time Less Urgent or Elective patients need operation to check the Angiogram Area availability, inserting the first available location in activity start condition. In this way Urgent patients will not wait, but the other will follow the schedule availability of the lab, right?

I have noticed that it there may be also another problem, since if I let the simulation go, after a while patients remain stuck in the entrance, since some of the patients remain more than the inserted process time in the Lab. Is this a problem related to shift of the Cath Lab?

Then, I don't know if it is related or not with this problems with the Lab, but some of the dashboard I created are not updated during the simulation. What is the problem?

I attached my model:


Thank you!

FlexSim HC 5.3.10
locationresource locationdash
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Cliff King avatar image
Cliff King answered Cliff King edited

I wish I had remembered this sample model (see attached) originally. It would have saved us both time!

It addresses this situation exactly, I believe. It even addresses how to reevaluate the condition when the target destination becomes available again. It's all done with connections! You'll understand what I mean after you open the sample model and read what is written in the dashboard model description text.

Sorry this has taken several days to resolve, but hopefully this will be the solution you are looking for. Let me know if you need more help.

p.s. Be sure and make the required additional connections in the FlowChart tool and while you're there, you might want to clean up some of the unnecessary connections. Remember, you don't need to make connections between locations that just the staff travel between like the off schedule area, and I don't think you want connections to your arrival door, do you? You can also resize your area blocks in the flowchart view to better read the names of the areas.


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Emanuela M avatar image
Emanuela M answered

I think I have fixed it! Thank you.

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Emanuela M avatar image
Emanuela M answered Cliff King commented

After some hours I have changed my model, accordingly to the ones posted; the only thing I didn't get it was the zero flag meaning in the activity 70. Let me explain better, I have regulated destination conditions for less urgent and electives (the ones that need to wait for availability) in this way:

Whereas it is slightly different in the model you attached. Do I have to introduce the zero flag like in the picture below substituing AngiogramArea to ExpressCare and UTIC to StandardCare to make it work properly?

Or because in your model there is a check on the availability of two different location,do I have to add the zero flag right after the first getavailable condition as follow?

Apart from this, I think there is something wrong in my model, especially with elective track, since I see that they are stuck under surgery and I cannot understand why, since there is a fixed time for the operation. What do you think I should check? I already checked predecessor box and the rest of my common mistakes ahhaha

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Emanuela M avatar image
Emanuela M answered

Thank you @Cliff King! I will check it immediately to see if I can make it works :)

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Emanuela M avatar image
Emanuela M answered Emanuela M edited

I think I have another problem. I deleted the Shift Schedule for the Cath Lab and added the conditional destination for the patients that cannot enter the Lab if it is already occupied or if it is not in its opening hours through the following code:

(getcensus(AngiogramArea)<1) && (gethour(getsimtime()) > 8 && gethour(getsimtime()) < 17)

The problem is, that I have to create a sort of while loop to evaluate this condition, since I create a Decision Point with two possible alternatives:

  1. Transportation Cath Lab if the condition is satisfied;
  2. Waiting in their area UNTIL the contition is satsfied. I cannot estimate a time for this process, since it depends on the availability of Lab and the time of the simulation.

Similarly, if I try to aply the condition on the destination, if the condition is not true it will just associate a different location and not wait untile the Lab is available.

How can i fix this? Is there a way to introduce an while condition for this situation?

Moreover, this is not working for Urgent patient, which should at maximum wait for 30 min in DEA irrespectively of time/date. This is the error showing me after having let the simulation run for a while:


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Cliff King avatar image
Cliff King answered Cliff King commented

I think the best way to handle conditional use of an area is with conditional routing within the patient track itself. This can be done with either a Decision Point activity that decides whether to use one of two downstream activities based on patient type and current time of day, or it could be handled with a conditional statement in the Destination field of a single activity that is also based on patient type and current time of day. The conditional statement may have the following elements:

  1. getlabel(patient, "PCI") == 1 && gethour(getsimtime()) > 8

A more complex statement may look like the following. The && is a logical AND. The || is a logical OR.

  1. (getlabel(patient, "PCI") == 1 || getlabel(patient, "PCI") == 3) && (gethour(getsimtime()) > 8 && gethour(getsimtime()) < 17)
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