
King-Ki F avatar image
King-Ki F asked King-Ki F answered

Picking Process Flow Question


I'm having an issue with picking multiple quantities of the same SKU. When I'm running my simulation, the model only shows a single flowitem, but there should be 3 flowitems. I checked my tokens and it seems the 3 flowitems have the same SlotItem as shown in the image below under the Item label. I thought that by using the following code a SlotItem would not be duplicated. Could someone suggest what I'm missing? I've also uploaded my model if that helps.

Storage.Slot.Item slotItem = token.SlotItem;
slotItem.storageItem.assignedSlot = 0;



FlexSim 20.0.2
process flowslots
outbound.fsm (90.4 KiB)
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1 Answer

King-Ki F avatar image
King-Ki F answered

Figured out that I have to use a specific command to bypass items which have their assignedSlot = 0

Storage.system.findItem("WHERE SKU = $1",0,token.SKU)
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