
King-Ki F avatar image
King-Ki F asked Regan Blackett commented

FlowItem Placement in a FlowItem with Process Flow


I'm trying to model a merging process where I need to take a FlowItem Tote 1 (contains a FlowItem Box within FlowItem Tote) and perform a number of tasks such as

  1. Split the two FlowItems
  2. Place FlowItem Tote 1 to a storage location
  3. Place FlowItem Box (token.PolyBagItems) into a specific location in the rack
    • Within the specific location, there is another FlowItem Tote 2

    I'm having issues with the 3rd step. When I'm trying to place the FlowItem Box into the specific location in the rack, the FlowItem Box (orange box in the model) is placed outside of FlowItem Tote 2 and I need it to be placed inside FlowItem Tote 2. Could someone explain how I can accomplish this please? I've uploaded my project below


    FlexSim 20.0.2
    process flowflowitems
    merge-sample.fsm (267.1 KiB)
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    1 Answer

    Regan Blackett avatar image
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    Regan Blackett answered Regan Blackett commented

    It looks like you are using the Storage system API to assign a slot in the Merge Wall rack which means that the item will be placed in a slot in the rack, not inside an item in a slot in the rack. So for your Unload task the "Station" parameter has to be a reference to the tote that you have in the rack.

    So you can either keep track of the target tote yourself on a label or find it using the Storage system API. It looks like your .assignedSlot call in the custom code might already be choosing the right slot, so you should be able to add this code to your custom code activity:

    token.TrueDestination = item.assignedSlot.slotItems[1].item;

    and then use the label:


    For the Unload "Station" Parameter. However I think this makes it so you effectively can't virtualize the tote in the rack

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    King-Ki F avatar image King-Ki F commented ·

    Could you explain what virtualize means?

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    Regan Blackett avatar image Regan Blackett ♦ King-Ki F commented ·

    The Storage System object in your model is configured to "Automatically Virtualize Items"

    From the Manual:

    "You can check this box to virtualize items. This means that when an item is placed in a slot, the item will be destroyed. The Storage System will preserve minimal information about that item, such as its spatial and color information. This way, the item will still be drawn. In addition, any labels listed in the Item Labels list will also be preserved. When you later need to access the item (perhaps to retrieve it from storage), the item will be recreated as soon as it is accessed."

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    virtualize.png (16.3 KiB)