
Jie J L avatar image
Jie J L asked Ralf Gruber answered

Task sequence priority value

When I use dispatcher,choose "Sort by TaskSequence Priority".But I don't know how the software defines priorities value and the order in which the tasks are executed.

FlexSim 17.2.5
task sequencepriority
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Ralf Gruber answered


TaskSequence Priority is defined by the user, not by the system. You set the Priority values either when you create a task sequence by code using "createtasksequence()" or when you use the GUI:

The higher the priority value of a task sequence, the higher up it is in the queue.

To fully understand TaskSequences, please study these sections of the user manual:

Reference/3D Objects/Fixed Resource Concepts/Using a transport

Reference/Task Sequences

ts-prioritiy.png (6.1 KiB)
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Jie J L avatar image
Jie J L answered

Thanks,@Jörg Vogel. I am not sure how system define task sequence priority.According to the chronological order of task triggered or other something?

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