
Yu-Jie avatar image
Yu-Jie asked Yu-Jie commented

How to use elevator to load from different floor and unload by sequence

I referenced

I want to use Process Flow to complete this too. But the version was a little bit old that I can't complete the practices.

There is a problem. How can I make it more reasonable if I have two elevators to achieve the same goal, and the demand comes from different floors.

I want to accomplish two things:

First, after the load is completed, the elevator can unload item according to the floor sequence(from low to high).

Second, if the demand comes from two different floors, all the items at the bottom floor can be loaded first. If there is still have space, going to up floor to load until max content is met, instead of going up to load and going down again.

Sorry, I just started learning Flexsim, there are still many shortcomings. This is what I trying to build, please advise:
Elevator unload.fsm

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elevator-unload.fsm (34.5 KiB)
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1 Answer

Benjamin W2 avatar image
Benjamin W2 answered Yu-Jie commented

The logic in the newer versions of FlexSim actually hasn't changed that much. I only made a few tweaks to the original elevator model to get this behavior.

  1. Create 2 tokens in the Source activity
  2. Add both elevators to a group called elevators
  3. Add an "Acquire" activity that points to the elevator group. This will assign each elevator to a token.
  4. Add a second queue to simulate multiple floors.
  5. Update the "OnCreation" trigger of the source to the newer syntax
  6. Connect each "Floor" Queue to the second elevator using center port connections.


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Yu-Jie avatar image Yu-Jie commented ·

Thanks a lot!

It seems that it doesn't unload and load items form low to high.
I did some change to make it more reasonable with my goal.

This is the new version, if anything can make it better, any suggestions are welcome!
Elevators PF.fsm

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elevators-pf.fsm (45.0 KiB)