The Run Animation activity and Object.animations command seem to both require knowledge of what animation the user wants (there is no pick list or set of macros as with TASKTYPE_, for example). However the animation names and index codes do not appear to be in the user manual under either "Run Animation" or "Animation." They can be found in an operator's Animation pane, but that does take a bit of time to open and flip through.
Would it be possible to include a set of macros and/or list the animations in the user manual? Or maybe provide a drop down list or some predictive text? As is, one must open the operators animations pane to check the text before adding an animation to know it it correct (and there is no realistic way to use the number index) before running the code to test. It would be quite easy, for example, to accidentally use "Sit" instead of "SitDown" or "Type" instead of "Typing".