
Kade G avatar image
Kade G asked Benjamin W2 commented

Customizing Data Calculation of Dashboard Graphs


I would like to figure out how to customize a graph to better analyze my process flow. Instead of knowing the number of contents in a queue that is accomplished with a "contents" graph, I would like to know the days of supply in my queue.

My calculation for days of supply would simply be to take the contents in my queue and divide it by the average production rate (in days) of the contents going through a processor. My initial thought is that I could simply divide the value in the "contents" graph by the production rate, but I'm not sure how to access the data collector of this "contents" graph. Any help would be appreciated. Thank you!

FlexSim 20.2.0
dashboardsstatistics collectorflexsim 20.2.0
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1 Answer

tannerp avatar image
tannerp answered tannerp commented


You can install the Stats Collector template for each chart by going to the Advanced properties window and clicking "Install". This gives you access to the data you need.

From there, you can use a Calculated Table to gather the data you need and perform any calculations. I wasn't sure what you're using as your "production rate", but you can just set up an operation in the Calculated Table to divide the contents by that value.

example (7)_1.fsm

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