Hello guys,
I am working with 3 cranes and need to measure the utilization of each one of them.
Using the default utilization pie chart isn't doing the job, because it only tracks the state changes against Idle but a lot of times my cranes are 'Idle' while waiting other cranes load/unload but in reallity it should be considered as "busy" because it has already received a task.
I thought about working around it using a trigger that sets a Label 'craneX_Req' == 1 on Task Start and 'craneX_Req' == 0 on Task Finish. This label with value of 1 represents perfectly the real utilization of my cranes.
The question is: how can I measure the total time a label stays on the system so I can relate it to the simulation total time and make a pie chart for the real utilization of my cranes?
I tryed using "event-triggered source" + "wait for event" listening to the Start and Finish Task of my crane and then measure the stay time of the tokens inside this logic, but I'm still noob with process flow so I coudn't do it properly... Anyone think this could be a solution and maybe could give me a hand with this?