
Wang L3 avatar image
Wang L3 asked Joerg Vogel edited

flexsim proces flow statistics collector and dashboard


I am new to flexsim modeling and want to ask help in collecting statistics from process model.

I built a simple model to simulate car parking activities in our new building. I have two groups of staff and a group of visitors "completing" limited parking lots in the building. I set max waiting time for each groups, once exceeded, people become "unhappy".

SHT model v1.fsm

I would like to seek help on the following:

1. In this process flow model, I want to collect statistics including all the timestamps that a car has (e.g. time when created, time when joined queue if no available parking lots, time when obtained a parking lot, time left the car park, etc).

2. I also want to track number of cars in the queue, as well as occupying the resource (e.g. WIP). (I have done up a chart on input vs time, but not sure how to track number of items instead..)

If possible, can you help to create an example of each, with some explanations? Much appreciated!

FlexSim 21.0.5
FlexSim 21.1.0
process flowstatistics collectorflexsim 21.1.0flexsim 21.0.5
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1 Answer

Benjamin W2 avatar image
Benjamin W2 answered Joerg Vogel edited

Hi @Wang L3,

Milestone collectors will help with timestamping. You can add milestone activities in your process flow to track the times. I added some Milestone collectors to part of your process flow:

It generated a milestone collector that looks like this (below). You can then use calculated tables to calculate the durations.

For the second point, you can add charts using the default statistics in process flow. Check out the gif for how to do this.

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1619711789416.png (115.0 KiB)
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Wang L3 avatar image Wang L3 commented ·

@Benjamin W2 Thank you so much for the advice! very helpful!

May I further ask with regards to 3d modeling?

I want to create a 3d model to link with this process model. As I am modeling carpark activities to find out optimal number of carpark lots given a desired utilisation, should I simulate parking lots as processor and cars as flowitems? My concern is that there are 1000 parking lots at my building...then I will have 1000 processors in the 3d model...

Is there any other better way to simulate this?

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Joerg Vogel avatar image Joerg Vogel Wang L3 commented ·

rack: you get a structure

queue (no stacking enabled): it looks like free floating items. You have to do storage management on your own. I mean one queue for all lots in a building.

There is no limit to abstract your process. You can say a parking lot is an item of a shape like a plane. It has got the ability to store items like a container. Cars are items of another shape and are of the person item class. Now you would be able to let move cars like taskexecuters and store them in containers like they would be stored in processors. If you want a more abstract logic then you use tokens. And if this is not abstract enough then you use nodes like table cells or tree nodes. And at the end you find bundle data, simple data node, list entries.

You can build an invers logic, where you don’t manage the parking lots. You manage instead the capacity of your path system. An aisle can let pass a limit amount of cars per minute. If a car drive in or out of a lot the aisle is blocked and the passing rate drops. The aim is to find the max throughput of your building. It is no more a question of lots, it is a question of infrastructure and routing.

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