
dougdurbin avatar image
dougdurbin asked Cliff King edited

Last Used Staff for Maintenance

What would be the correct code to use to have the last used staff perform the maintenance on a location resource? The nurse escorts the patient to the location, does an exam, and then is supposed to clean the room. Instead of having any one of the nurses clean the room, I would like to just have the nurse who last used the room to clean it. I could assign a label to the patient on which nurse they used and then use that label for the maintenance staff but I was wondering if there was a way to easily assign the staff under the "Maintenance Staff" drop down box in the maintenance parameter box.

FlexSim 20.1.3
flexsim 20.1.3maintenance
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1 Answer

Cliff King avatar image
Cliff King answered Cliff King edited

The label idea would work, but you also might want to consider putting the cleaning activity in the patient flow rather than use the location's maintenance feature.

Here's an example of using a label to record the last used staff on the location that needs to be cleaned:

Standard Maintenance Option to Clean Room with Last Used Staff.fsm

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