
Lucas Klein avatar image
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Lucas Klein asked Lucas Klein commented

ProcessFlow class - module SDK


I am trying to explore a little bit further the module SDK and now I am trying to create some new ProcessFlow activities. When I use the SDK to create a new object class, I can set at the object header, that the class is inheriting a FlexSim Object, FixedResource and so on, but when I am creating a new ProcessFlow activity, what should I inherit, and how could I inherit some ProcessFlow existing activity to customize it?

Thanks in advance.

FlexSim 20.2.0
processflowflexsim 20.2.0module sdkactivity
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1 Answer

Jordan Johnson avatar image
Jordan Johnson answered Lucas Klein commented

Hi Lucas, sorry for the delay. We have uploaded the module SDK for version 20.2, which now includes the headers and lib files for Process Flow. You can download the SDK from the website, under the Modules section.

To answer your question, if your activity is similar to an existing activity, you may have success inheriting the similar activity. It may be easier to start from scratch, though. In that case, you can inherit Activity or BlockingActivity, depending on whether tokens can be stopped on your new activity. For example, AssignLabels is not a blocking activity, but a Delay is.

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