I'm building the attached model based off of Tutorial 3.1 - Use Sub Flows and Arrays in which the first station is working perfectly fine. I get to a point of needing to assign transporters based on which queue (outbox) has a flowitem waiting. The idea is that a flowitem would be finished processing and then wait in the queue, to which a transporter would pick up the number of flowitems in that queue and transport them to the inbox of the next station. I'm not quite sure what the best way is to approach this. I've thought about adding the flowitems to a list when it reaches an outbox, and the transporter would pull from that list but I'm stuck at the point of sinking that particular token. I have a split activity to solve this issue but I get stuck at this point. I'm trying to avoid the transporter going to each outbox in a round robin fashion if nothing is there and the transporter only going to the outbox that has flowitems in it.